
Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Indie Houser and The Studio of a Lifetime - Featuring Ted Houser
Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Host JP is joined by Ted Houser, an independent filmmaker, screenwriter, and the coordinator for this years Cinetopia Film Festival. Listen and laugh as they discuss Ted's experiences in the film industry, 9-5 Jobs vs. Being Freelance, expanding your taste in films, film festivals, and more!
Ted Houser Contact:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tedhouser
Writing Workshops Detroit: https://www.writingworkshopsdetroit.com/
Cinetopia Film Festival (May 10-19): https://www.cinetopiafestival.org/

Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Global Citizen Soup! - Ernestine Lyons
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Host JP is joined by Ernestine Lyons, founder of Linglobal. Listen and laugh as they discuss topics such as leaving your job in the corporate world to chase your passions, Revitalizing Detroit, attracting entrepreneurs to her hometown, and helping our youth become Global Citizens.
Ernestine Lyons Contact:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elyonsmayweather
Instagram: erniely
Linglobal on Facebook: @lingua86
Harper Woods Soup: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/harper-woods-soup-tickets-57151106498

Monday Mar 11, 2019
Beastmode - Terry "Beastmode" Arscott
Monday Mar 11, 2019
Monday Mar 11, 2019
Host JP is joined by professional Drone Racer Terry "Beastmode" Arscott. Listen and Laugh as they discuss technical difficulties while recording this episode, racing as a Pro, the quick evolution of the sport, the ever advancing technology, and how kids are taking over!
Terry "Beastmode" Contact:
Facebook: @terryarscott
Instagram: terryarscott
Detroit Multirotor Company:
Facebook: @DetroitMultirotor
Instagram: detmultirotor
Website: www.detroitmultirotor.com
Don't forget to follow, subscribe, like, and comment!

Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Movies, Movies, Movies! - Delano and Trale
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Host JP is joined by avid movies consumer Delano Bridges and comedian/screenwriter Trale Wright. Listen and laugh as they discuss bad movies, movies that let you down, the Oscars, the last movie that made you cry, and Horror movies.
Delano Contact Information:
Delano is an avid movie lover, true Hip Hop Head, and an entrepreneur that also helps others get their passion projects up and running.
Trale Wright Contact Information:
Trale is a performing comedian and active screenwriter. He also runs Play Too Much Productions, which focuses on putting together comedy shows around the Detroit Area.
Facebook: @Trale Wright
Instagram: @idris_traleba and @playtoomuch_productions

Sunday Feb 10, 2019
2 Seconds Before I Get Up - Joyce
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Host JP is joined by Joyce, the host of the Two Seconds Before I Snap Podcast. Listen and laugh as they discuss their experiences starting their own Podcasts. Some of the topics this episode covers includes booking guests, picking a name, choosing what to talk about, and using social media (even when you don't like too!).
Joyce's Contact Info:
Joyce is the host of Two Seconds Before I Snap podcast and author of the Gotta Love Joyce blog. She writes and talks about life, children, relationships, travel, and experiencing the most Life has to offer. You can listen to her Podcast at the website below, as well as on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, Stitcher, and anywhere else you can listen to podcasts!
Blog and Podcast: www.gottalovejoyce.com
Email: TwoSecondsBeforeISnap@gmail.com
Facebook: @GottaLoveJoyce
Instagram: 2b41snap
Twitter: @GottaloveJoyce

Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Host JP is joined by his sister Autumn, her boyfriend Jeff, and Amateur Stock Car Racer John. Listen and laugh as they discuss their worst Work Accidents, Serial Killers, and Jeff's deep knowledge of Loop Artists. This is only Part 2, so don't forget to make sure you hear the whole conversation by listening to Part 1!
Autumn and Jeff Contact Info:
Autumn is a professional photographer and artist. Jeff is an IT professional and amateur handy man/mechanic.
Autumn Marie Photography: https://www.autumnmariephoto.com
Art By Amp (Etsy): https://www.etsy.com/shop/ArtByAMP
John Contact Info:
John is an Amateur Stock Car Racer. Check him out at the racetrack!
Auto City Speedway (Clio, MI) http://www.autocityspeedway.com/
Interested in learning more about John and his racing? Send an email to contact@thegetupshow.com

Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Host JP is joined by his sister Autumn, her boyfriend Jeff, and Amateur Stock Car Racer John. Listen and laugh as they discuss John's experiences racing and the wild times at the track, our worst car stories, and dealing with sneaky lying kids! This is only Part 1, so don't forget to finish the conversation in Part 2!
Autumn and Jeff Contact Info:
Autumn is a professional photographer and artist. Jeff is an IT professional and amateur handy man/mechanic.
Autumn Marie Photography: https://www.autumnmariephoto.com
Art By Amp (Etsy): https://www.etsy.com/shop/ArtByAMP
John Contact Info:
John is an Amateur Stock Car Racer. Check him out at the racetrack!
Auto City Speedway (Clio, MI) http://www.autocityspeedway.com/
Interested in learning more about John and his racing? Send an email to contact@thegetupshow.com

Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Aliens, Bigfoot, and Cannibals Oh My! - Jay and Autumn
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Host JP is joined by his father Jay and his sister Autumn as they discuss some of their favorite paranormal topics. Listen as they discuss the best evidence supporting the existence of Aliens, Jay's favorite subject of Bigfoot, and whether or not Cannibal Hobbit's are real!
Autumn Contact Info:
Autumn is a professional photographer and artist.
Autumn Marie Photography: https://www.autumnmariephoto.com
Art By Amp (Etsy): https://www.etsy.com/shop/ArtByAMP
Jay Contact Info:
Jay owns a successful home remodeling and repair company and is a drummer for Threshold, a local Detroit cover band specializing in Rock from the 70's through 90's.
Threshold: http://thresholdrock.com/
Threshold Facebook: www.facebook.com/thresholdrock

Tuesday Jan 01, 2019
Super Embarrassing Stories - Chris and Mallory
Tuesday Jan 01, 2019
Tuesday Jan 01, 2019
Host JP is joined by Chris, Chris's Girlfriend Shanna, and Mallory for nonstop laughs as they share some of their most embarrassing stories. Listen as they talk about shitting their pants, food fails, YouTube evidence, and why no one should trust Mallory on a boat!

Tuesday Jan 01, 2019
Hip Hop and the State of Music - Delano and Mustpayphone
Tuesday Jan 01, 2019
Tuesday Jan 01, 2019
Host JP is joined by Delano and Mike "Mustpayphone" to discuss Hip Hop music and the effects social media has played in making it big. Along the way we get sidetracked with various other topics, such as Classic Artists vs. Classic Albums, Prince, and the evolution of hip hop and the artists that had impacts in shifting its sounds.
Delano Contact information:
Delano is an avid movie lover, true Hip Hop Head, and an entrepreneur that also helps others get their passion projects up and running.
Mustpayphone Contact Information:
Mike "Mustpayphone" is a local Detroit recording artist.
Website: www.mustpayphone.com
Instagram/twitter: #/@mustpayphone

The Get Up
The Get Up was inspired by all of the musicians that shared their stories with me when I would DJ in the Detroit, MI area during the mid 2000's.
In Graffiti Writing, "Getting Up" is getting your name out there, in as many places and as high as you can, with the goal of achieving fame in your city and among other writers.
The Get Up is exactly that, a place where people can tell their stories and help spread the word about their cause, their hustle, and their passion.
So, listen to their stories, share their ups and downs, and maybe in the end you'll be inspired to Get Up too. If you already have something your pursuing, let me know when you're ready to talk!
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